Listening to: goodnight [zox]
Feeling: silly
yesterday slash last night was way fun. colton and mark came and got me at around 3, 3:30 ish and we went to the mall and colty got me a dino bandeezy because he had to pay me back for the movie ticket to go see the haunting of molly hartley. after that we went and picked up jayden and headed to smithfield canyon. i drove colty's beastly stick shift while he and mark boarded but mark kept falling and shit so he blamed me for being a bad driver. haha, all i was doing was driving in neutral and breaking. i was carving with the car because it's boring just going straight and there's hardly ever anyone on that road anyway, but still. so after that we went over to cliffside to see if we could find colty's glasses, but no luck, so we just went up to roo's house and picked him up. after that we headed to the parking garage at the uni and i tried going down standing up and failed miserably. so jayden and i just stayed at the top because though she's good, she was very cold. so once they were done, we took roo back and went to albertson's to get drinks & lil debbies and then to lil caesers to get $5 pizza. haha, after that we went to go see the dark knight at the cheap theater. i loved it. i'm so glad we went to see it. so after that we dropped jayden off at her mum's and then headed over to jake's for a fire. we hung out there for a while til about 10:30 and then colty and i left to go get his little brother chandler, and mark was gonna be leaving soon anyway so we left him there. we picked up chandler and went back to colty's to get wood for the fire, and then we went back to jake's. we hung out there til about 11:40 and then colty took me home. it was eventful and fun. haha i'm a major fan of this bandeezy. i feel real gangster in it.
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