[3]damn finals and the whole school rules!

Listening to: stay-lisa loeb
Feeling: braindead

the truth

damn, the exams are making me insane! there's just so much requirements to pass and i have to stay late tonight to complete the lectures in my notebook! plus my books have to be complete or else my prof's not gonna sign my clearance... what's a demented gurl to do with three of her books missing... i was late yesterday so i was given a warning slip which i have to present to the guidance councelor and let her sign it or else i won't be getting my I.D. what's all with those sh*t? you guys out there are so damn lucky you aren't enrolled in my school... because it's a sh*t hole im telling you. why can't just my parents get to work on our visa so we an fly off and leave this country? i mean, is there anything those politicians can do to our country? well....*sigh*
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there's nothing we could do about that, we're both stuck in that school for another year (thank bob we're not expelled!) -hey, you know me!