[124]yea yea...

darn..first day of school's supposed to be on november 10, but me and roni went to school on nov 11, hehe so we've just met our new classmates and new friends in the circle, ji hye and neryl? i dun know the spelling, really, but she a friend of melai from highschool...so um, our new korean friend is 24 years old and doesn't know how to speak in tagalog much, hehe, so that's it. classes were boring anyway...gawd. and today, saturday, me,my sis, naths and vincent went to a cosplay! it's pretty much my first time going to such event and im pretty much excited, our purpose for going was to watch the j-pop band but they already performed in the morning and we have to go back tomorrow to watch again. but im never going back to falling in line and staning for so long just to enter. it wasn't that much-grand-anyway. but it was fun to see people dress up as their fave characters for real. that was neat.hehe..i'll post our pics later if i had the energy to load my smart simcard.ehehe yesterday jec' friend and her chatted on ym. she was also a friend of my jap boy, and guess what she asked my sister? she asked if me and jap boy were already an item! i have to laugh out loud. and then by my manipulations using my sis i got her to admit that she had a crush on him!hehe so i told this one little gossip to jap boy himself. said he had heard of it and that it was old news.whatever. i commented that she might be slightly jealous cause she said we text each other almost every minute of everyday. that's fcuking impossible if u ask anyone. he said that he was used to jealous girls,even his classmates cause they read his inbox and that his friends in school pretty much know me cause he always show them my picture. how's that,huh?
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