[31]do diaries need an entry title?

Listening to: Do As Infinity
Feeling: detached

ah! my bro said this is piracy from him!

nothing much happened at school...i sat on my chair, listened to my friend blabber about taekwondo and her good-for-nothing significant other... pried pj away from molesting me...sang "My Boo" over and over until our throat hurt...listened half-heartedly to my lessons, and what else? oh, wrote a little...just a story my sister started. she wanted me to help her continue it so i obliged. My aunt's coming home from Vegas tomorrow! I'm excited..there'll be lots of clothes, chocolates, good stuffs and money, money, money......i'm somewhat feeling a little frustrated...i dunno i can't explain, i'm pretty contented with my life but somehow something's missing...i can't pick up the pieces and put it together...damn it doesn't make sense... i gave this site to my friend and told her to check it out... and if she's reading my diary right now...(Mag-comment ka, chesca! ;P)i dunno... am i going to CAT tomorrow...or not? it depends..besides i want to be present when my aunt comes home....guess i'll fuck off for now...haha...
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im a sophomore in high school, if you dont have that system (i dunno im pretty bad about other cultures education systems) then in other forms im 15, and go to college in two years, what about you? do you guys listen to a lot fo american music? what kind of stuff is in right now for you guys?
well just pics of the normal stuff that goes on in your country ya know? not all that hyped up crap that the travel brochures have but the real life ya know? i want to see a pic of you! hehe
thats really cool american music is so popular around the world.. never knew that haha. are you one of those people who likes native stuff or imported stuff? one of the drawbacks about here is everyone from america imigrated here at some point, so we dont really have cultural things... its hard to explain, but yeah its sorta sad we're famours for fast food, celebs, and music, haha. are american movies big over there? who is your favorite celebrit