[30]School school school

Listening to: Utada Hikaru
Feeling: amused


Wednesday was fine.... got back to school with my friends... saw one of gail's bf's pictures and he was pretty okay-only in that single picture! my seatmate PJ keeps on hitting on me-or that's what I think he was doing, there's no other way to it. he keeps on touching my hair and my hands and then he'll lie on my shoulder... and at the same time telling me how fat I am... now what kind of half-assed joke was that... he just likes petite girls and he's too narrow-minded...we're not fat or chubby!(he teases me and my friend Gail and chesca...) we're just... different from the average filipina girls...we're what i can call renaissance women... were matured and well... just judge....
Read 3 comments
yeah i want to see a pic! i want to see how beautiful it is there. i dont know what im gonna be when i grow up, i have always wanted to be a marine biologist, or even just something that works with animals. i have a feeling that it might not work out though so i really dont know what i want to be. nursing?? ugh i dont think i could handle blood and all that kinda stuff, too sad and scary for me. i definetly want to do something that helps others.
yeah we had our election. it was on tuesday. i dont blame the people that make fun of bush. so do you have presidents in canada or what? yay! im excited to see the pictures!
thats really cool you learn two langauges when you start school, most people here dont learn two until highschool, like me. Im learning how to speak spanish... not great at it though! thats really cool you speak japanese, that was all on your own insentive???