[24]can't think of any

Listening to: John Mayer
Feeling: angsty

witches witches witches

Oh, well. i'm not specifically feeling all right right now. I have a feeling i'm going down and im not gonna be included on our class' top ten-or rather-top 7.... what can i say? besides we painted and drew almost the whole day? it's fun, but not really good with colors so i messed up my work but my prof gave me a good grade because i thought that maybe she liked my drawing when it was only a draft/sketch. exams are coming...hell we're slaving on our long tests this whole week... im graduating in highsschool so i dnt think i shouldn't be neglecting things anymore... not like my classmate jelyn... she's our class' top one and just because of her boyfriends and some family matters... she started cutting classes and not reciting anymore. i think that's juts bad i mean she's doing good. in all the years i've known her she's really lazy and didn't participate in class discussions, but when she really exerted effort in her studies it turns out fine. she's smart but i think that's all wasted because of her bf. Men! hah! and another thing about men. meg's bf had just suggested to her that they share expenses whenever they go out together. isn't just preposterous?! A guy letting a girl pay half the price? might as well pay their own expenses. that guy is the worst male species i've ever known in my life. unlike my brother. he hasn't got a lot of money because he's still a student at that time and he's very open about that to her then-girlfriend. he doesn't take her out that often but when he did, the woman is assured that he'll take care of the bills. i understand that and that's more okay than suggesting you share money... Meg was really furious when she read the text message... oh, well.... damn all men to hell i guess.... ('cept my bro and dad, of course :P)
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