jack in the box

jack why do you jump out so fast you make my heart beat so ever fast. your box is no longer readable so i cant read the direction in which to keep you in...so all i can do is hold my pillow to my ears to keep from hearing you scream.your screams in which are made to make me scared in fact only make me wish you were dead. i will close my eyes to make you think i was thinking of some were to run but i only thought of ways to chop of you head. mybe i would inclose it in a jar. or mybe mail it to your mom. she will have your laughts and tell you that she told you to stay away from those evil girls
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hey i passed out i was so tired, i so sorry and that was so nice of u to write about me sleeping i wanna hold u tight and i make it up to ya after work!! And damn i wish i knew what u were wareing before i went to bed lol

why does ur comp work fine almost all the time?