old spice and something nice

Listening to: the wallflowers
the weirds thing just happend i was talking a shower and i got out then i dried my hair something was a bit diffrent about it insead of its old brown self it desided to go black. it likes its self black.computer still thinks its bitching i tell it every day that i will kill it if it doesnt start acting straght but it never listens and i never go along with my plan to killing thee computer of retardness.yes im stuck here waiting not sure for what just waiting its a bit cold the this house so i figured i would sink myself in to this quilt that my mothers grandmother that had breast cancer gave me and my older sister i can still smell her old spice like it was yesturday she use to hold me and put her fingres through my hair that made me fall asleep fast. so now when im not able to get sleep i put my fingers though my hair to just drift of in to dream world i can never seem to remember the dreams i came across just that they made me feel very refreshed in the morning. my hands smell like lavender form the lotion i put on after my shower.i wish i could stay in the shower for days is so sothing if that makes and sence. i really need to work a little harder on my grammer and spelling just a little so i will not mispell simple words. well im going to cut this on a little bit short tonight got to take some pictures of the ginger bread house that i found yesturday. another note:im strange so soke it all up.
Read 9 comments
aww cute hair awww.
do it naked.
how do you get your background semi clear like that? in the entry?
major props for the new background.

the wallflowers! what song?

i used to know this kid named Player and he wore old spice all the time. we used to make fun of him for some strange reason. ah well, theres my old spice story.

thanx, but we lost. : [
Your diary is verry pretty. =)
you made that?! even more props!

did you use brushes?

once upon a time i used to make my backgrounds and icons. but then one day my computer decided to crash and i lost all my work and programs. so i decided to give it up. it was a waste of my time anyway.

black hair (not the dyed) is the shit.

i have natural black hair, one of the perks of being asian i guess.
are you going to do driver's ed? i dont think its required if you're 18. i wouldnt take it. i have a psycho lady for an instructor. its going to be 8 looong hours of in-car.
tank you miss.. how is your life working out for you currently?
Isn't it amazing, the feeling of someone elses fingers through your hair? One of the most relaxing feelings in the world. I miss it too, but remembering doesn't bring comfort, but agony instead! Thanks for the comments...nice to know I'm not the only hand anaylasist out there! I used to drift away with thoughts at work too, but I always came up with a good reason when I was caught!