
Today just feels like blah. I need to shower and do some exercises and maybe take a nap. Im not goin anywhere or doin anything either. Im just goina sit around and watch tv with Case all night. Which, believe it or not, sounds really good to me. Im not usually into going out that much. I dont like crowds. So unless Im just goin to someones house, I usually end up feeling uncomfortable. Josh came over before he had to work ((4-10)) and we watched Napoleon Dynamite again. ((♥What the heck are ya even talkin about?♥)) Such a funny movie! I love Josh. Hes such a sweetie. --Oh yeah. Tomorrow is turning into quite the family outing. Apparently we're going to IHOP and then Sams Club ((my parents just got a memebership)) and now I guess we're going to Miss's to visit her and Marisa coz Marc is working or something. So we're goina be out like at least half the day, if not most of it. How unfortunate. I better get to see Josh. Thats all I know.-- [[Oh yeah]] My dads been drinking. Hes been hiding it too. My mom found too crunched up beer cans in a cereal box. And when she went to burn the trash today, she found three more. And I found one in the shower!! What is he doing drinking a beer in the shower? How stupid is that? Whatever. Hes such a jerk. I ♥ the way that he just lies and gets away with it.
I dont have any skills. Like what? Like nunchuck skills or bowhunting skills or computer hacking skills. Chicks dig guys with skills.
Read 6 comments
whats with the highlight of the I's??? and id probly say to slap ur dad. except mines into it too. sigh. some people just never learn.
awe sara, i love you too! And i am happy it's just he's so far away, that bums me out a little, plus the fact that i'm still with john. But i can still talk right??

i am so happy! he just makes me smile and turns my whole day around. i truly think i'm falling for him. *blush*

yea i guess not. blah. hows ur day so far? u doin anything tonight?
thanks for the code and comment!

that sux about your dad. im sorry. and yeah why would he drink in the shower anyway?
whos that girl that left josh a comment in his diary? shes weirdin me out.
i know, really.
my eye hurts
and im hungry