
I feel so bummy today! I went over to Joshs for a little bit, but he had to work at four.
Yes I am. I hope you think you beat me. Hope I start talkin crazy before you understand me. Are we through? You think that Im beneath you. But you like the things that I do. Wrap em up and take em with you.
Blah...Im just goina sit around tonight. My eyes hurt coz I dont have any contact solution and havent for like three months! Plus Im really tired but I have to babysit in like a half an hour and so I cant nap at all. Oh well. My dad liked his steak dinner and cake at midnight! ; P !!
Im alright. Hope I can sleep for one night.
Read 13 comments
yea i guess so.

just lemme know when i guess.

sara, if i wasnt willing i wouldve simply said hell no, do it yourself. okay? chill. we'll write the paper.
whatever sara.
you said lets get together.
im fine with that.
you wanna split it up?
fine. w/e.
im fine with that too.
lets not make this freaking retarded.
do ya wanna get together and do it
or split it up.
youre the one who brought it up.
lets not make it seem like it matters what i want, okay? just make a decision. seriously.
sara. oh my gosh, seriously. im really getting irritated. dont be retarded. dont go and make some stupid little thing my decision, and make it sound like ur just giving in, like i always make all the decisions. okay? because thats annoying me. you can figure out what u wanna do. and you can let me know.
u try to avoid bad situations about physics papers. good priorities.
im not the one who started arguing, okay?
but im really getting irritated, and i dont really feel like feeling that way.
especially over this.
so just get over it, make a decision, and let me know. kay?
im not tryina be mean.
im just being blunt.
cause i dont feel like beating around the bush.
heres the thing. you dont fix that by giving me stupid insignificant decisions to make. okay?
i dont care what we do.
i really dont.
i dont care about the stupid paper cause its ghetto and unfair anyways.
so i dont care whether we get together or if i have to write something of my own.
so just tell me whats goin down, and thats what well do.
well if it doesnt matter then i guess i dont know why you just argued with me about it.


whatever. when youve made up your mind you can jst let me know. that seems to be the ways things go.
of course i always have a way id like things to be. everyone does. but does mine ever get done? no. so whatever sara. im not the one who started this stupid fight, so dont try to make it like i did. if you wanna make a decision or be civil, go ahead. until then, you can pretty much leave me alone.
sara. ur being really stupid. so sorry if thats mean. but its what ur doing. i would have been perfectly fine getting together and writing the damn paper. so dont make me out to be the bad guy. okay? and if you dont have anything constuctive to say, then yes, leave me alone. but just remember that im not the one with some stupid problem in this situation. its a p h y s i c s paper.
sara. its physics. of course im uninterested. get real. and no, i dont care which way we do it. so why pretend otherwise on either of those?
yuep! it is lol... thanks for the comment... urs is adorable!!!