sorry for being emo

Feeling: abnormal
I'm sick of my mom calling me a bitch or bitchy or whatever. She's my mother for chrissake. She should be supportive or whatever shit it is she's supposed to do. I'm sick of my mother walking in her high boot things and making noise purposely to drive me to my insanity. I am sick of being poked, tickled, hugged and touched in general. I'm sick of him trying to persuade me to hook up with him. I am sick of David following me around in PE and believing that he has a chance with me. Why doesn't he understand that I don't like talking to him and I don't like the kind of person he is? I am sick of the lies I was told. And how quickly people move on. I am sick of my therapist not being a very reliable person for me. I am sick of Jeff acting like such an asshole to me. I am sick of listening to Skylar talk constantly about his rachel-tara problem. I am sick of Rachel having a problem that I talk to Skylar. (Although I believe that today might have changed things) I am sick of reading 9387129847 chapters a night in Frankenstein for English. I am sick of thinking about next year's classes. I am sick of being told that 4 honors classes will be hard. I am sick of feeling guilty for being 2nd chair. I am sick of people looking down on me. I'm not retarded and I'm not stupid. I'm sick of these horrible horrible cramps that cause lack of sleep. I am sick of crying for no reason whatsoever. I'm sick of not belonging. I'm sick of guys telling me I'm pretty when I don't think I am and then they argue. Guys who have never met me in person. Guys who never talk to me in person if they do see me. I'm sick of never being good enough. I am pretty much sick of living here. I wish I could lock myself away and never have to face anyone ever again.
Read 2 comments
i sympatize with you on most of those things

encourging and comforting advice should be said in this comment
and if i had some, i would sure put it here

i am sick of the same things
and my ears hurt
and i am sick of wanting to hurt people

well here goes
hope it gets better?
ohh my mom called me a tramp for a skirt i was wearing the other day...i knew she just thought i was dressing like that cause i was going out with some boys
i dont think your not good enough, and dont ever let anyone tell you that you're not good enough, because it's not true.

i know it might not help a lot, but i really hope you feel better, and i want you to know im here for you if you ever want to talk, or just hang out, or.....anything.

keshara :)