nothing to say huh?

Feeling: amused
Ravenous I am hunting for your soul It dwells within your heart I lacerate the pounding flesh Your spirits shall be mine So rise my spirit rise! Revel in this dead mans' body Grip his soul, sip the blood Life is death A holy carnage Ravenous I will be your god Carnivorous Jesus I need your flesh Ritual slaughter Fill up the chalice With the essence of your life Liquid strengths Trapped in your veins I crave your blood You must die! So yeah, I wrote that entry on pure feelings, or lack thereof towards both jo and caddy. It's obvious they both agree with what i've said, as they had no sly or retarded immature comments back at me, just being apologetic and saying they want to get on with me? Complete and utter retarded bullshit. If they wanted to make any effort to get on with me, they wouldn't still be fucking about. They'd treat me as a friend. Unblock me on msn, leave me on thier friend's lists. As you're now probably aware, I want nothing to do with either of you. I'm not going to be immature and try and ruin it for ya, thats not the kind of person I am, just don't expect me to be civil towards either of you if you try and talk to me. In fact you'll be doing well if you get a grunt. Like I said, by all means, get on with your lives, i'm getting on with mine. >=]
Read 12 comments
hows you
0ooo random comment time
hmmmm what to write.......
hows hazel-i mean that in a non-bitchy way
so ye sorry about yesterday-random stressy outbreak and all-ye friends sound good if you want if you don't then ok.
yeah friends is good kac, but did u have to spend 6 comments asking? I thought i was popular :P
heh are popular..sorta..with some people..with others..well,just fuck em all
hehehee where the fook are you
or somewhere else that i don't wanna know about..okies byeeeeeeeee
yeah im kinda feelin wierd and hyper and happy!!!!!
wow yeah thats a nice bit of spam down there
indeed.. spam for the lose :(

i was in rochdale havin a smoke :P

i'm at work tonight (Friday)
SPAM POR LES FUCKING WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mixing french with english...very...not cool lol

OMG ITS TECNICALLY SATURDAY time for my trendy night out is upon us :O

m mate chris who i went to school with, practically grew up with was 18th yesterday (friday) so he getting very wasting and so are we (me and a few mates) on him :P he doesnt know that yet

but ill have to pop down vies (yall can see me all trendied up OR suited up :O )

adz your gay