{16} Some weird thing

Listening to: soundgarden
Feeling: bleh
|..WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX..| [what do you notice first?]: Eyes and personality. [last person you slow danced with]:i dont slow dance... [worst question to ask]:wtf is wrong with ur face?...lol |..WHO..| [makes you laugh the most?]:Justine and Katie [makes you smile?]: Everything except violence and death [gives you a funny feeling when u see them]:a good funny feeling or a bad funny feeling...? [has a crush on u?]:idk... [is easier to talk to: boys or girls?]:boys.. cuz usually they arent listneing so u wont have to worry about them telling ur secrets to everyone! |..DO YOU EVER..| [sit on the net all day waiting for someone special to IM you?]: no i am not that desperate [save aol/aim conversations]: i have [save e-mails]:ones with pics in em wish you were a member of the opposite sex]:umm no i dont have that problem... [cried because of someone saying something to you]:yeah |..HAVE YOU EVER..| [fallen for your best friend]: my best guy friend [been rejected]:no i dont ask guys out.. its there job [rejected someone]:yea... [used someone]:not that i can think of [been cheated on]:yea [done something you regret]: yup all the time |..WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON..| [you talked to]:Justine [you hugged]:Katie [You instant messaged]: Tiffaney [You laughed with]: Justine |..DO YOU..| [color your hair]:yeah but i am gunna stop [ever get off the damn computer]: amazingly yes [habla espanol]: wtf no |..HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU..| [smoke]: soemtimes to calm myself down [could you live without the computer?]:maybe probably [how many peeps are on your buddylist?]:80 [whats your favorite food?]:oranges [whats your favorite fruit?]: oranges [drink alcohol?]: not recently [like watching sunrises or sunsets]:i like taking pictures of them [what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]:emotional [trust others way too easily?]: no |..FINAL QUESTIONS..| [i want]: The war to stop and for my friends and family to be happy and live their lives to the fullest [i wish]:Life had no worries and that drama didnt exist [i love]:my family, friends, my pets, music, making music, and skating. [i miss]:Maggie and everone being happy [i fear]:Death and lonliness [i hear]:birds and me typing [i wonder]:what i will do when i grow up and what i will learn in life.
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