{50} POEM

Listening to: wind
It was all in a second, when u took my life away. You left me with a broken heart.. and there was nothing i could say. I should have seen it coming when u couldnt look me in the eye... Both our smiles have all faded now, not a tear there was to cry. Its funny how your life can change so quickly without knowing, and its funny how u can love someone without it even showing. But when u cant keep living without seeing that person everyday, and your dependant on every word that person has to say... And when that person decides that they dont love u back the same, you begin to understand loves a sick and twisted game. All i ever wanted was to wake up always knowing, no matter how messed up life is, you had no intention of ever going. But that kind of love does note exist, its only inside books... And life will never be complete and that is how it looks.
Read 3 comments
yea thats good do you like reading ?
if so what?
i try to read alot
i dont have much of a life work and sleep
do you read alot of poetry
hooray my lassinator is back in action!! im soo glad you are gunna start writing again :)

anyway i dunno what is gunna happen. ill be ok though its nothing to big to worry about.

anyway i like the new look its really neato. :)

kk see ya later. I LOVEEEE YOU!!!!!!!!!