{74} And down i go

Listening to: some techno song....
Feeling: addicted
Well i thought i could move on... and i was almost sure i was. I guess i was wrong. Its something about him that just keeps me looking, keeps me wanting... And he knows that.. and he uses that. I know he does. Everyone thinks he is oblivious, but he isnt. And then they think im oblivious.. maybe i am. But maybe not. Maybe i want to be oblivious becuase i dont want to move on. He will ignore me, just pass me by like just another face in the hallways, then have exciting convorsations with me, and act like everything is the same... But its not. He knows its not, and i know its not. But yet he keeps talking like it is. I cant explain him. He has changed. Maybe i have. But i dont think so. So i decide to step back for a bit. And he steps forward. I get too eager and step forward too. But its too close. He steps back. Thats the only way i can explain it. Afraid to get close. I know i am. But it wouldnt stop me. No matter how afraid i would be. But im not afraid to get too close... Im afraid he will take too many steps back. Too far away. I wouldnt know him any longer. That is what im afraid of. How will i get close without being too close. And without making him step back? I guess i cant. Its just the way things are. No one can have everything. He is everything to me. I cant see things without him close by, even if he isnt as close as i want... I still need him around.
Read 3 comments
If you still need him, then keep him.

Don't force yourself to get over something if you dont. If you dont then its simple--just don't.

You are smart, beautiful, funny, talented, an amazing person. Trust me, Im your best friend, I know this!! If he wants to take these things for granted then he's not a good person.

Just close your eyes and follow your heart.

Remember that I love you and Im always here for you, no matter what!!
Aww I love your background!
Where'd you get it ?
thxs! byez
Thxs and i would have a good weekend if i could go on aol haha ;-] i miss it too much!