I'm practicing your name so i can say it to your face

Listening to: deathcab
Ive lately been debating with myself on which of these would be better: "Getting the things you want" or "getting the things you need". Thats been quoted many times in different ways. But i keep thinking up infinite amounts of reasons supporting each side. I mean... if you get the things you need youre neutral, right? just you have everything you need... just nothing extra. And then getting the things you want would make you happy but then youre lacking on your necessities(and by necessities i dont mean food or anything you need to actually survive). example: soap. and that would make you somewhere around neutral-ish. Unless of course the things that make you happy are your necesities... you see?!? This is how my brain is all day, everyday. ughhh. I need help. Anywho, i havent updated in a long time due to my computer problems. I finally fixed my old computer and i still cant get my other one,the better one, to work. I'm so frustrated. And i'm tired. And i'm excited. And happy... and a lot of other things... you should really be able to choose more than one mood. I'm never just one. Anyways, i think this is all for tonight. Goodnight everyone!!
Read 2 comments
ive missed you alot lassie. i want to know when you can hang out so i can see you and also give you your present. plus i want to see how you are, these entries arent cutting it at all. but im glad to knwo your alive. greg didnt have this bird virus you speak of, just some random fever he's better. he got wheeled off in a wheel chair friday with a 105 degree fever. scary. well i love you,
I love you
Even though you're cursed when it comes to technology =)
You're leaving for Sac tomorrow, I think =(
And it makes me shed a tear.
I willeth miss you
And you must say hello to Flufferbum for me.
Ha- I totally thought of you last night when I was picking up my room a little before I went to bed & found that thing Bright Eyes drew me. Hahahaha. I laughed so hard.