{93} Im back

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Well ive been back from sac for a few days now, but i just havent felt like writing. SO ya today i am going with shinky to henrys company picnic, and then were going to a show. And im staying the night. SO ya should be a fun day. Ummmm... not much to say.. tyler is getting back and im happy, i miss him. So yeaa.... uh thats all for now. bye bye ♥
Read 4 comments
yay!!!! he told me himself he likes me, and quote unquote "always kind of has".....ahhhhhhhhhhhh

hmmmmmm what do you think? read my entry and you will seeeeeee!
i like your quote at teh top of teh page!! and teh spinny thinger.
lol it is like hypnitixing ..ugh i hate searchign for things you wnat you never uite find them.