The Sushi Sunday Will Rise Again!

K so last night, went to sushi with Lauren, Dallas, Allen, Rob, and Levi! It was great. Lauren was like "Do you know them?" and Rob was like "Hell no..." HA! Levi ate 21/2 bowls of soy beans. And guess what Brandy was greeted with this morning! 21/2 diapers full of 1/2 soybean 1/2 poop! That's gerrrrate! HA, I heart Jared! So my day so far has been unproductive and relaxing...thats what days off are for! But soon I will get up and do some laundry and clean my room. It needs to be cleaned... Sam texted me 4 times...and I didn't get them...they were just blank. Hmmmm, oh well. well, I am off to go get dressed and ready for the day. Lets see if I can motivate myself. B
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