Clean Bill Of Health

Well, Erica and I went to go get our "woman Chech-ups" last Tuesday...and the results are good. I got tested for HIV and all the other nasty stuff a girl can have like Trich or The Clap, I don't have anything. YAY? It's not like I thought I WOULD have anything, it's just that I haven't been checked since before Levi was born so, I needed an update. . . ESPECIALLY since I have gotten tattoos and peircings recently. It's funny because the guy told me that I was a "high risk" for STD's because I have a visible piercing on my face...and he took he liberty of telling me how that was "risky behavior". YEAH...IF I SLEPT WITH THE PERSON THAT DID IT FOR ME...ugh! I was like whatever just take my blood... As if being there wasn't scary enough...ya know? Sandy gets to see Jared this weekend... but its Valentines weekend... and I want to see him. All this talk about love and chocolate makes me miss my baby. :( well, I am outty. Gatta go wrap some presents for taylors party tomorrow.. PEACE B
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