It's a small world

Been sick all week. And that sucks. ASS. Remember that time you had bad chinese food? Yeah...that's how I feel right now. yucky. So the other night at work this guy walks in and asks me if my name is Brandy. And for those of you who don't know, Brandy is my real name...but I work in a strip club and no one goes by their real names in a strip club. I mean c'mon! Anyway, so considering that, I was pretty shocked and didn't know where I knew this guy from or if I had ever seen him before in my entire life. Well, turns out that he did time with Jared and just got out. Apparently, Jared tells everyone my name and shows my picture and tells them where I work. I thought he would be more careful than that! I will just have to wait and talk to him about it....yea....
the last thing I need is a bunch of convicted felons looking for me in a titty bar 2 days after they get out of prison. yeah. that's just great...
So anyway, I think I might go to work tonight, I don't want to but.... who wants to go to work? Buh?! oh I hear Bon Jovi. The old kind....reminds me of Jared. Blah.... Well, I have to go make a pay-pal account for my "best-friend"...... =/ B
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I just sharted?
what is your "strip club name?"