Ernie said it....

And I quote: "I saw rather disturbing news clip last night, it was and old woman down in New Orleans who had been picked up by rescuers and dropped off on a highway overpass. She, and a few other hundred people who were kind of marooned on the section of highway, had nothing but the clothes on their backs. She was screaming into the camera, "If we die, it's because the federal government ignored us. We don't have any food, we don't have any water. If we die, it's because they ignored us." And I kept thinking to myself, "Uhhhhh no. If you die, it's because you chose to ignore the evacuation order and didn't get the hell out of Dodge when you had the chance." It wasn't like there weren't 48 hours worth of warnings to get out of New Orleans because of imminent flooding. Now, if you saw those warnings and chose to stay because you wanted to try to protect your home or stay with a loved one, that's fine and I respect your decision. But don't go blaming other people if you're happy ass gets swept away and you end up facing the world in nothing but your BVDs." made me go "hmph".... B
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I understand... haha and that vein is A O.K. as far as I know.

have fuuuun tomorrow!! I wish i could go. But even if I could, i probablu wouldn't because I'm sooo tired tonight and sore and I have to get up for work tomorrow... so I'll me tired tomorrow too..

Who has an " ass like that?"

I was talking about your's and in reference to the donation you gave.
-- if you gave them clothes... who could fill the back?!