fat girl needs food....

hmmmm There's this girl I know who doesn't want to be "big" anymore. We'll call her "Brandy". Some people say she's big, thick, whatever... she doesn't see it and when she actually looks in the mirror, she sees progress...but some people can be cold hearted and break down what has been built up in a hearbeat and not even know it. Let's just say that "Brandy" is going to be taking her diet pills and working out a like a mad man....she doesn't want to be a "big girl" anymore. And it's crazy that a friend's opinion can mean absolutely nothing compared to a stranger's. Friends are there to be supportive and if they were GOOD friends, that is exactly what they would be...supportive... But a stranger is going to be cold blooded and honest. If there is a problem, they are ganna tell her and not care about how SHE feels...not care about how it makes HER cry. That's the point. They don't care....so why hold back? I'm weighing this out. And maybe this Brandy girl needs to get off of her fat ass, out from behind a computer and hit the gym.... Where are those diet pills??????? B (as in Ryan)
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