Cops and Robbers

So yesterday some guy was murdered down the street from my house. He was in a vacant house with two other guys and they shot him. Don't know why...but he died. My dad heard the shots and didn't really think anything of it...I wonder if he would have lived if someone had heard the shots and checked it out right then.... Who knows. I am just glad that Levi and I were in the house because after the guys shot him, they ran right past our house...what would have happened if we were in the yard and has seen their faces???? CRAZY. It just hit a little too close to home...literally. B
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Yeeep. Murder is prettyy bad. A kid was stabbed to death recently. He was trapped in a car trunk and he had a cellphone and called the cops. The cops thought it was a joke and the next day they found his mutilated body in a river. Never thought a little town like my own would have a killer.
yeah... alot of that is going around lately...
Oh i heard about that.. even saw the house... that's crazy.. glad everyone on your side of the screen is doing okay.

and i do love you....hehehe.. that was ..... hmm.. i'll talk to you about it later.