I have gas...

HA! K so I really don't but this entry has something to do with gas...so LISTEN UP! To all you chitlins that have cars, whether it be your mamma's, pappa's or your's.... DON'T buy gas on SEPTEMBER 1st. There is a national boycott for gas on that day and everyone needs to join in on it. Unless you are sucking Bush's ass or like paying $3 a gallon. So if you don't like being butt raped by the government, HELP US with this boycott!!!! AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your help! B
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Man gas prices suck, Bush sucks, everything sucks!
mkay, i like George W.

and since the whole hurricane thing.. gas prices are more than likely going to go up regardless if no one buys gas on Sept 1st.

it's life.