Yams, Fish and Chopsticks...

Feeling: kooky

The tang her mouth hit her like a wasp sting.... filling her mouth with tangy, spicy, forgien venom. She had made an actuall meal for the first time in weeks. Nothing "take out" nothing "poor" a genuine, good meal. Which included: Yams, Fish, Bok-choy, sprouts, tomatoes, eggs, spinach, cho-maine noodles, and some lemon.

and now the sweet taste of Aloe juice.... like silk on the tounge... the feeling of a thousand rains.... amazing... beautiful.

So incase all of you haven't been keeping up to date, i have moved to a new part of the area wLith a girl named Lexi... and her cat Iko (pronounced eye-co). ANYWAYS... tonight we made a bunch of food :) it was so tastey... (wow i hate my spelling :'[ ) but yesh, so i've been job huntign alot. i think i may get a call back soon. i hope very soon, but beggers can't be choosers. ugh i feel sleepy now from all this unpcking and running around i've been doing. Iko has been "helping" me unpack but he is not the most helpfull cat, i must say. He chooses the strangest things to take...

so yea, now to why i moved.. Brad. So i lived upstairs and Lainna and Dave lived below me and below them, in the basement was a guy named Brad. He was in his late 30's from what i can remember. ANyways.... i had been living in the house for about a year, and its and old house, about 100 years old. and eberytime the vents woluld blow air out black stuff would come up... not directly but alot of gust and cat hair and strange blackish stuff... the smell was bad too... kind of like mold but with other strange smells in there too. So i used to put fabric softeners in teh vent and in about a week the whole thing would be super black. gross eh? so anyways, one day Lainna came up to me and said "hey Bunneh, have you heard Brad lately?" and i replied "no Llama, i haven't" she then told me that it had been about 3 days and she hadn't heard brad leave the house at all. i thought about and quickly agreed with this statement since i hadn't heard anything either. I had however (just like lainna and dave) seen him three days ago. so i told LAinna to wait a week and then call the cops. almost a week goes by and Lainna calls the landlord and his brother. They come to check on hima nd when they finaly get the door open they see an arm. they come upstairs and tell lainna to call the cops (i think they were in too much shock to call themselfes) so laina calls and the cops and EMS come. |When the cops came back up stairs they almost threw up, they came upstairs gaging and stuff. They told us not to go down but as some of you may know lainna and i, of course we went down after the body was gone. When they finaly managed to bring the body up it was soooo bloated... like 5 times his normal size. They needed someone to identify the body and i was that lucky person. That didn't really freak me out that much. Later when i went down stairs it was horrible. There was about an inch or sewerish water in the bathroom and nothing had been cleaned ever it seemd. the whole stove was black and it wasn't sapsoed to be. mold as far as the eye could see... random blood stains ont eh pillow on the yucky matress in the living room. beer bottles everywhere... about 100 and im not kidding. it was like something out of House Of 1000 Corpses.

but anyways... yea i have to go... job hunting early with Lexi tomorrow.

Later Days

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