Last night.

Last night was boring. Until she got a call from Tara. Or no, scratch that, an instant message, asking if she wanted to come over. So she went. It was 8:30. She goes online at Tara's and IMs jeff saying they're coming over. He thinks she's serious. So they go. Walk across the street and sit outside talking. He makes her feel depressed because he keeps saying how he can't believe she forgot the agreement they made. She honestly has no clue what he is talking about. He tells her she's pretty. He says she has pretty eyes. The three go into the garage after almost being hit by a van. They talk and laugh very hard. It's 10:45 and Tara and her have to leave. He says for Tara to leave and it's just Lauren and Jeff in the garage. He says "You promised that if I hadn't been kissed by April you would do it." "No I didn't." "Yes you did." "No I didn't." "Yes you did." "No I didn't." "Yes you did." "No I didn't." "No you didn't." "I hate you." So as Lauren and Tara get inside Tara's house, Tara turns and quietly says "Someone's got a crush on Lauren...he wants to hug her, he wants to kiss her..." How come it's always Lauren who is attacked by these horny myspace boys? Granted, Jeff was her friend before Myspace, but they go home and she's online and all she gets is shit from guys wanting to fuck. Tara's mom suggests that she just spend the night since it's almost eleven. They stay online. They go upstairs. They watch TV. They sleep. Today she babysat. She doesn't like babysitting. It's not the kids' fault. It's her own. She can never find ways to entertain them enough. She got her hair cut. It's not edgy. It's not different. It's not what she wanted.
That's what you get.
She's debating whether to go brown. She needs a change. She hates being the first to start a conversation.
Read 3 comments
you've taken some beautiful pictures.

thank yew.

hey whats up? later <><