
Tomorrow=2 months. Yay! I've had an exciting weekend so far. Yesterday was a minimum day so Evan came over after school and we walked to Sav-on so he could get cigarettes and then to Foothill to meet Amanda and Tara. I saw a bunch of people and it was cool. Then we went to the mall and I got into a horrible mood because nothing fits me anymore and I was just being really self-conscious. Evan and I came back to my house so I could get ready for Morp and I started crying and stuff and he almost did too because he was really worried about me. I think it's just PMS but I was really scared because I always get like this in relationships and that's why I usually break up with guys. I don't want to lose him. At all. And it scared me to think that me being so dumb could cause us to break up. So then Tara, Marissa, Amanda and I went to dinner at Duke's and Amanda and I danced to Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes next to the jukebox and people looked at us like we were drunk. Then we met up with Keshara and Amanda's boyfriend at the dance and I called Evan and told him he probably wouldn't be able to sneak in like he had planned. I saw Aaron and freaked out. Then I saw Matt and Tyler and Marissa wanted to go over and talk to them but I told her no. From then on she started bitching about everything. She complained about it being too hot. She complained about no guys dancing with her. She gave me looks when I wouldn't dance with her. She complained about her stomach hurting. So we were gonna go outside for awhile but she didn't follow us. So we just didn't go back and we went to dance with Matt and Tyler. I also danced with Carrick but nothing happened. Evan had spies. Haha. They told him how many guys and girls I danced with and made sure nothing bad happened. So anyway we went back to Marissa and she had been like freaking out and at 10:30 she said she was going home. I didn't want to wait with her so she waited by herself and I danced with Carrick some more and then with Matt and Tara and Keshara for the rest of the night. After the dance Matt offered us a ride home so we said yeah but there was a fight outside. It got broken up but then it moved so basically we followed it but we got sick of chasing it because it kept moving so Matt, Tara, Tyler and I went to Matt's house. (His parents are in Long Beach.) We drank and Marissa called Matt (not knowing we were over there) and called us bitches because we didn't let her talk to Matt at the dance. So I had to go home at 12:30 and I was drunk and yeah I had fun though except I was pissed because of other things I found out about Marissa. I came home and called Evan and went straight to sleep and then he came over this morning and my head hurt and he had a bad hangover so we just watched a movie and slept and ate. People are coming over tonight too. Amanda, Tara, Amanda's boyfriend and later Evan and maybe Austin. My parents are gonna be gone for awhile so yeah it'll be fun. I love him.
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...morp was fun.
fer sher.