Chapter One

She sat pondering that moment when she first was brought into this world. When the doctors yanked her out of her mother's womb as she struggled to die. She never wanted to be alive, but now there was no way of avoiding it. Maybe when she was little, she knew the damage that would come and didn't want to live to see the day it hit her this hard. The bell rang and she fell out of her train of thought. Why had she come to this assembly in the first place? She could have easily sat in a bathroom stall with a good book and waited for lunch to come. What was the point of sitting in an uncomfortable chair, surrounded by jocks who throw things at you, for an hour of excrutiating boredom and pain, or, if you actually chose to watch the assembly, people acting totally fake? Who in their right mind can be so happy? How can so many people, people she sees everyday not understand how close her life is coming to an aburpt stop? But she didn't expect 'them' to feel pity for her. She never cared much for those people, yet she did notice when one of them was feeling under-the-weather or depressed. It was in her nature to care about everyone around her, sometimes more than she cared about herself. It was quite hard to care about these fellow students when all they did was make fun of her though. When she went through that cutting phase, everyone knew. How they knew was still a mystery, but they did know. Instead of caring, taking her aside and comforting her genuinely, they mocked her and called her "emo". When her dad was put in jail for rape and her mom turned into a complete disaster, nobody offered to have her stay the night and come home to a nice dinner or warm bed. They let her go home to the trailer and sit in her room with the only thing that could comfort her. Her music. It is true, she was a musician, but not like everyone else. She didn't play guitar, or the drums or even piano. She played the clarinet and yet she played classical music, it just didn't affect her in the same way as alternative music did. There were no lyrics, although the notes could be transposed to lyrics, so it didn't seem as powerful.But she had no clue what she was talking about, it was just music after all. Anyway, back to her story. Well once her mom had found out about the rape and could no longer confide in anyone, even her own daughter, she turned to alcohol and dating services. Tape after tape she sent away so maybe she could find a decent man to ease away some of the pain. It sickened Harmony to see this go on, but there was no way of stopping it. Once when she asked her mother to stop degrading herself in this manner, she was told to stop being such a selfish bitch and to get out. So she left. This was the first time she ran away. She didn't get very far though because she didn't have any money or warm clothing. She spent the night in the halls of her school. When it rained she ran to the stoop she so often sat on next to the drumline room. When she awoke to the cars rushing past, (stupid highschoolers who don't deserve a license!) she quickly gathered herself together and ventured to first period. It was then that she was called to the office and found her mother sitting there, looking even more drunk than ever, crying. When she approached her she was screamed at. Now this was a first also, her mother had always known how to keep her cool in public, but now she was cursing and flailing her arms and seriously pissed off. She requested to take her daughter home but Harmony refused. She knew she would pay for this later, but now was not the time.
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you write this? anyway, welcome to sd.