
Feeling: alright
The transaction didn't go smoothly. The call was nuts. I paced behind the counter. The customer COULDN'T get the system installed after June 2. Snobby bastard...guy from Fredericksburg, his stained Camden-Rockport sweater over blue jeans and a hat hiding a horrible combover. Just take what the guy gives you, you bastard. June 1. Awesome. A satellite subscription for you, and twenty dollars for me. Step out the door, I feel like a new man. Behind the shirt and tie, behind the facade, behind the nice greetings and helping old ladies with their pry-apart watches, helping the assholes with their wiring diagrams and parts, helping the customer with their purchase. Greet. Qualify. Present. Close. Then get the hell out. I felt new after that, that twenty dollar sale. I walked down the mall to Shaw's and bought one of those Smores candy bars. I earned it. Then, I walked home. I slumped on the couch, undid my tie, and got to smile genuinely for the first time in what was a day, but what felt like years. All for a twenty dollar sale.
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it doesn't usually take much.
I, for one, really respect what you do. I think I would have gone over the edge as soon as I'd seen the combover.