You Break, You Buy!

Feeling: caffeinated
You know, the coffee from the small places really is the best stuff ever. I think that's why I need some. So, keep in mind that the REAL mood behind this entry is 'needing to be caffeinated'. So, DSM comes to my store. He's the master salesman, the consumeristic asshole shell that covers a good guy that I told you all about a few entries ago. Well, girl comes in with a printer that she bought for ten bucks. Not a big deal. You'd figure if it was broken, she'd be out ten bucks. So, she buys $80 worth of stuff to get it started. Okay. Then, DSM gets her a DC adapter. Tries it out. A puff of smoke later, she's livid, and so's her husband, after a phone call and a breath of sulfuric fumes. We were considering kicking her out. But, somehow, she ends up with a free printer. Free goddamned printer. I was mad. So, now I'm listening to random music, and I'm a ticking time bomb. I want coffee, and for some ungodly reason, Shannon's making it for me. Bless her heart, I love her. :) Until it's done, I think I'll go twitch on the ground.
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you be patient and I'll attend.
hey, why don't I get a free printer?