Karma Again

If there's ever a reason to believe in karma, it's now. Here's my day: 12:06 pm: I realize that, for some strange reason, my check from RadioShack's not gonna clear. It's the day after the Fourth. No one in payroll works on the Fourth. Checks don't clear. This is a problem, since I have to pay my neighbor $300 for her car. I can't do that if I don't have my Shack money, since my account's short about 20 bucks. Aside from that, I need gas. 1:00 pm: I realize I've got 1/4 of a tank of gas. When I get home, I'll have 1/8 of a tank. 4:15 pm: I get a text message, presumably from Lydia, asking me to work today. Family emergency. I agreed. 6:00 pm: I'm in at the Shack. Turns out it wasn't Lydia who sent me the message; it was Jenna. She wanted some relief from the other annoying associate. 7:40 pm: Jenna's mother calls, telling Jenna that her uncle has committed suicide. She leaves. I have to close the store. 8:00 pm: I tell Robin I can't pay her the full $300 because of the way my paychecks fell. She says that's all right...I tell her I can pay her $250 in cash, but I have to save $35 for a credit card payment. So, I have to get money. Guess who I go to see? 8:30 pm: Pick up Shannon. Take Shannon to ATM to bum $10 off of her. 8:50 pm: Pay Robin. Shannon calls my ex, Kelly, and talks to her after a three-month hiatus between me and her. She talks; I guess now it's okay to visit Kelly and introduce her to Shannon. 9:00 pm: I get $5 in gas, and take Shannon home. 10:00 pm: I find out I can cancel the credit card payment I have in place. My ass is saved yet again. 10:30 pm: I'll be in bed, contemplating karma again.
Read 2 comments
i am a firm believer in karma, big time! But you knew that.

Totally still in valdosta. until the 23rd! send away!