Poker Night

Feeling: rejected
Tonight's been really weird. Like, INSANE. One of my good friends, who never cries, broke down when she realized that she likes a guy, and not just any guy. The Joe. Well, some guy that I know through my chess club. I think her distress comes at the improbability, the inanity of that appreciation. It was disheartening to see her cry. That was something I didn't know how to take, even behind the two bottles of Rolling Rock that she was slowly climbing into. It was just...crazy. The subsequent conversation was something I also didn't know how to take. In the same conversation, I'd been told I was both more and less intelligent than several people, told that I could both argue and not argue several points; just a totally off the wall conversation. Anyway, to make a long story short, I ended the conversation with the answer to this question: How is it all okay? My answer: If we don't live today, we can't look forward to tomorrow. It HAS to be okay.
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damn straight.