Rushing By

Feeling: dazed
Let's call Rant One the only one. I'm really not angry anymore...just dizzy and stupified at the speed. For those of you who read this diary to know what's going on with me, here it is: My partner (or, cohort-in-crime, depending on who you ask) and I are going to Salt Lake City, Utah, to present our research for our senior project at a national meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers. We got the trip at least half-funded, and hopefully our advisor will fund $400 more. I just got out of an E & M test which I thought kicked my ass. I was reading my professor's door (most profs in the Physics department have a lot of funny cartoons plastered on their doors), and he heard my cell phone ringing, exploiting the interruption to tell me that my test looked 'really rather good'. Ego boost much? I also just got back from Fernald Hall, the Women's Studies building. Taking a course in Women's Studies has inspired me to break a norm: as of tomorrow, I will declare a minor in Women's Studies and complete it before I graduate. That will create the following degree title for me: Michael C. Dudley BA Physics, University of Maine Mathematics Minor Women's Studies Minor So, call me Renaissance Man. I've been to hell and back this week, and managed to plow good ground today. But, why the sudden surge forward, you ask? Here's why: Last week, I saw Dead Poets Society. I thought the movie was beautiful, and Robin Williams astounding. In particular, if you get to watch it, pay attention to the scene where the students read original poetry aloud. You'll shit yourself. Anyway, if you have talked to me any time within the past week and a half or so, you'll know that there was a huge crisis for me, on several fronts. I seriously thought for a while that I was going to fall apart. It was a combination of DPS, some momentary dose of sheer will power, and possibly divine intervention, that convinced me that whatever holes I am in, I can dig my way out of them. And then some. And here I am. And while I'm here... Lili, please remember one thing: fatty writing never gets anyone anywhere. "To the world, I exist" will never sound better than "I am". :)
Read 4 comments
That has to be the most useful and meaningful thing anybody has said to me all month.
I caught you a delicious bass.
lili's a liar; i told her that same thing before march 30th.
i would be amused if i saw that you were a physicist with a minor in math AND women's studies. at first i thought i'd be interested in majoring in it but then i realized that a lot of those people turn out to be uber-feminists, and i dont like shoving anything down anyone's throat.
I was not attacking your choice of taking Women's Studies; however, I appreciate how you said 'to me' in your defensive note to me because I hate having people telling me what to do.

Women's studies is one of those classes that I don't really think that people need to take in order to understand. In my experience, those who have majored in it have flashed their degree like a badge as clearance to make others listen to them without argument.