There's A Sub In Class Today

So, substituting went well. Class went relatively without event. Stanton's juniors were kinda rowdy, but nothing worth freaking out over. I let them be. Ironically enough, Shannon's brother was in that first period class, and did exactly what Stanton passed along. I just about shit myself. The two AP classes were fine, as well. Engaged them in a little bit of intelligent conversation about Robert Penn Warren, Joseph Conrad, Albert Camus, Napoleon Dynamite and college. Lunch, I visited my old teachers. It had been a while since I came back. The last period of the day was the funniest. I actually had to write a pair of referrals for a couple of girls who were bending themselves under tables, screaming while chasing each other in the halls, and pegging each other with this queer hackysack thingy. Yeah, wasn't havin' none of that. Besides, the English teacher next door (also one of my teachers from high school, and my advisor from when I edited my school paper) saw them, and knew I had to do something. I didn't even really have a choice. But, at the end, I really wanted to anyway, so it didn't make a difference. The best part of the day, though, was the time I spent re-reading Camus. L'etranger is a really good read...just make sure you're NOT listening to The Cure or on a Nietzsche trip when you're reading it.
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...true. But I still don't want to work there.
It must be so strange working at a school you went to. My new math teacher (the one I originally had left when she had her baby) was a grad from my high school. It's also strange talking to you as a person instead of someone older than me when you have just taught people my age. What if one of the kids you taught today has a sitD and you befriend them without knowing it?
I am working the night shift tonight and I happened upon your journal and read the last 15 or so entries you wrote. You seem like a real cool guy.

I can only imagine how it would be if I went back to MY highschool to work. Props to you.