Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Prince Charming…Only Hotter She isn’t…no, she wouldn’t…Would she?! Jesse, are you blind, can’t you see what she’s doing? I wanted to yell that, but all I could do was stand there and stare as he leaned towards her. They kissed. I couldn’t stop staring at them. If any of the stoners standing around had been paying any attention they would have seen my heart drop to the floor and shatter. My best friend Karen… She knew exactly how I felt about Jesse, how the hell could she do that to me?! I turned around. I couldn’t watch any more. I saw Craig standing in the corner, crying as he watched them. I had always thought that he was way too emotional for a guy, but right now I felt like joining him. I walked slowly into the living room, not really thinking about what I was doing. I went over to the keg and started filling up a glass. Haley was standing next to me, watching the glass fill up. “Umm… Lily? What are you doing?” “What?” I snarled. “Uh, you don’t drink, remember?” she said, half jokingly. “Well I do now, so fuck off.” She just looked at me, surprised, but I had had it. I drank the entire glass in front of her and smiled sarcastically when I finished it. I know I was being unfair to her, but all I felt was the pain, so there wasn’t a whole lot of room for guilt. After a few more drinks I went into a back room. It was quieter in there, so it gave me a place to think. I sat down in a chair and looked over at the guy sitting next to me. Whoa. He was the hottest guy I have ever seen. I mean, this guy was way too good to be true. He had black hair that fell around his eyes, which were the deepest color blue I had ever seen. And even though he was sitting down, I could tell that he was tall, and being a short person, I go for tall guys. And, he was very muscular. Basically, he was HOT. After a few minutes he looked over and saw me staring at him and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Nathan.” “Lily.” I replied, forgetting all about Jesse and Karen. Then I did something that I have never done before. “You’re hot.” He responded with a laugh “Thanks.” So I started talking to him, and it was great because it took my mind off everything else, and plus, hot guys don’t usually talk to me. I think something about my attitude intimidates them, but I honestly have no idea what that could be. So I guess I gotta take those chances when I get them, right? Any way, it turns out me and Nathan have a lot in common, so we had a bunch of stuff to talk about and there wasn’t any of those weird silences that you usually have when you first meet someone. But when we started talking about our friends, I had to stop because I knew if I didn’t I might start crying. Nathan saw the look on my face and without warning, he leaned over and kissed me. It was my first kiss. It was awesome. I didn’t want it to stop, but eventually it did. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, and then he leaned over and kissed me again. This went on for awhile. Until, once again, Karen had to ruin everything. I saw her walk into the room, looking around. “Shit.” I muttered, standing up. “What?” He asked, surprised. “I’ll explain later, right now I have to get out of here.” I said, ducking out the other door before Karen saw me. Nathan followed me. “I’ll drive you home if you want.” I had my car there, I could’ve very easily driven myself home, but one look into those big blue eyes, and I knew that my car was staying at Haley’s for the night. Nathan drove me home and gave me a goodnight kiss that was just as amazing as the first one. I gave him my cell phone number before he left. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” He promised. I walked inside and I was so happy, I mean, I haven’t been this happy in a long time. But it didn’t last very long. I checked my messages; there was one from Karen. She called me a few minutes before I got there, probably while I was outside with Nathan. “Hey Lil what’s up? I’m at Haley’s party and I haven’t seen you, so I’m guessing that you’re not here… that would make sense now wouldn’t it? Any way, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, ok?” No, I thought. You won’t. Luckily for me, I have caller I.D. I was planning on sleeping late like I usually did on Saturdays, but apparently someone had other plans. I woke up the first time when the phone in my room rang. I leaned over and unplugged the cord. People should know better then to call me at 9 on a weekend morning. I guess I forgot about the cell phone, which by the way, was on the headboard right above my bed and set on vibrate and ring. That’s the last time I ever do that again. It vibrated off the edge of the headboard and hit me in the head, ringing cheerfully the entire time. Not the best way to wake up. I answered it without even looking at the caller I.D. “What the Fuck? It’s Saturday morning, why are you calling me?!” “Lily?” a confused voice said. “Oh hi Nathan! Sorry about that.” I said, instantly changing my tone. “I didn’t wake you up, did I?” “Yeah, but its ok.” It was awesome, we talked for hours. I felt like I had finally found a guy that I could have a decent relationship with. At the same time, there was a little voice in the back of my mind, telling me not to get too close because I would only get hurt. But I didn’t listen. I never do. What about Jesse? It kept asking. Don’t you love him? Fuck Jesse, he chose Karen, so I choose Nathan. Before I hung up, Nathan told me that he had a surprise for me. “Really? I love surprises! What is it?” He laughed. “You’ll find out Monday, I swear. But I gotta go, so I’ll talk to you later, ok?” I said goodbye and hung up. The second I hung up, the phone rang again. This time I looked at the caller I.D. “Karen L.” Right, like I really want to talk to her. I waited for it to stop ringing and then called my friend Andy that lives down the road and asked for a ride to Haley’s so I could get my car. We drove up and Haley came out, looking really excited and talking fast. “Hey Lil, guess what? My boyfriend transferred to our school, just so he could spend more time with me. Isn’t that sweet? He’s awesome, you have to meet him!” “Umm…Ok.” I said. Usually if someone ran up to me and just started talking really fast, I’d be surprised, but that’s normal for Haley; you get used to it. I left Haley’s and drove around for a while, my mind going from Jesse to Karen to Nathan and back again. I was confused, I mean, I love Jesse, but I like Nathan too. And I hate Karen for what she did to me, but at the same time I really want to call her and tell her about Nathan. I got home really late, but I decided to check my messages before I went to bed. There was three from Karen, two from Jesse, and one from Nathan. I deleted all of them but the one from Nathan. It was just so sweet. “Hey Lil, I’m just callin to say goodnight, but I guess you’re not home right now and I’m going to bed, so I’ll talk to you tomorrow, ok? Goodnight sweetie.” Aww! When I woke up on Monday morning, I got up, got yelled at, and went to school as usual. However, when I got there, everything changed. Karen caught me on my way in and kept asking me why I hadn’t ever called her back. Then, Jesse caught me and asked me why I hadn’t called him back. Apparently, the answer “I just didn’t” isn’t enough for them, so it took a while to get them to leave me alone. As soon as they left, I finally got the surprise that Nathan had promised me. He stepped out of the crowd, put his arm over my shoulders, and told me that he had switched to our school and had managed to get into two of my classes. You have no idea how happy I was, not to mention totally shocked. Nathan had never even been to our school before, and now I would have two classes with him every day. Then, just when I thought things couldn’t get any better… It all came crashing down. Haley walked up to where Nathan and me were talking. “Hey Lily, I was planning on introducing you to Nathan, but it looks like you’ve already met him.” She smiled, and he leaned over and gave her a kiss hello.
Read 6 comments
you have to write more i really wanna know what happens!!
dude thats fuckin crazy. i wish i could write like that. keep it up you're fuckin amazing at this!!
:) good job

thats some good writing.
damn i wish i could write like that, but hey i can dream cant i?

amazing fkin story.. write more!!
wow omg you have an amazing talent keep it up, you have got to get this into a book when you have the final product you could really have a career.
keep up the awsome work.
your average reader.