I've always had a problem. I know what it is but I never really accepted it. I've had said problem for quite a while and to speak the truth, it ruins wonderful things for me. I know he would never do anything to hurt me. He loves me too much to do that. But sometimes I just can't help but think, what if he did? What if he just got so mad at me one day and decided he'd had enough. What if today is that day? What if tomorrow is? Its not just him that I have a hard time trusting. Its all of them. Its happened so many times. It scares me. Especially since we aren't living together anymore. There is a girl I don't like. Well, two actually, but one doesn't talk to him anymore. Girl one still likes him. She always has and always will. No matter who she is with at the time. I'm afraid that he might like her again. Most of this is all petty bull shit that I just need to get over. I need to stop being a sissy. He loves me and wouldn't do anything to hurt me. He loves me so much it makes me cry. I don't like being this way. A change is in the cards...
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Aww, you flatter me with your optimism chickadee. :D
And I don't like this insecurity you have with your boy. You know it only makes things worse to worry and second-guess things. Dammit woman be sure about yourself!! I command it. :D
Well don't, girls shouldn't be sad, unless they're bitches, and you don't seem like a bitch, so no sad. Smile! :D
Have some ice cream, put on some perfume, and watch stupid movies. That's what I do when I feel blue. Maybe some make up too.
I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
I'm here to help toots. And maybe ogle every now and then. :D
It's hard to feel secure when there is so much to lose. :(