Work got a little better. Anthony left. Anthony, URGH!!! Doesn't help when help is needed Sits his lazy ass on the computer all fucking night Makes cookies (for guests) and proceeds to eat six of them, fat ass Is arrogant Has a fit when I tell him how to do something (perhaps I'm telling him to fix it cause I actually know what I'm doing, but someone younger can't tell god-Anthony what do to) Doesn't close his shift properly I threw a fit to the manager. I hate being a tattle tale, but Christ. My dickface co-worker sat on the Internet computer most of the shift and then when I wanted a turn, the damn thing didn't work. Luckily, I worked my charm and it works now. How else would I vent? Classes start in six days and counting. I'd say I'm super duper ecstatic, but that would be a lie. I'd say I'm dreading it, but that would be a lie also. It'll just be different. The classes will be much bigger than I'm used to. The campus is about six times the size, and I'm not one to remember directions. A wee frightening. But I hope to keep calm about everything, try to make some friends, and have a grand time. And working? Poop on that. Only two more hours til I can go beddy by. Boyfriend and I have been doing well lately. I can't say no fighting at all, but the arguments have taken a significant decrease. I sometimes think, though, that we might have moved too fast too soon. We've basically lived together our entire relationship. We truly knew each other before we actually knew each other. Not that I'm complaining, I get to live with my best friend. I just sometimes think of how it would have been if we weren't always with each other. Would I be more excited to see him? Would we make love more? Would he kiss me every time he saw me? But, I still love him. I've stayed with him for this long for a reason right? Tomorrow will be twenty one months. A long time at first glance, but miniscule in a life time. Oh, how I do love pouring my heart out onto a computer screen. My fingers making the words that my mind creates. Its almost surreal if you really think about it. My fingers type them as my mind says them. Maybe I just take simples things and over analyze them...
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Tabby, my best friend. I moved away from her this summer and I miss her a lot. I write about her a lot...
So do I. :(
thank you. i love summertime
I'd be honored to have you as a friend! It's a comfort to know somebody's checking up on me, even if it's through an online diary. I'm here for you, too. :)
So sorry to hear you're not looking forward to things. Find something you can be excited for, honey. Even something little. You deserve it.