Its almost over, its almost over, its almost over. Maybe if I keep repeating it to myself it'll actually be almost over. got offered another job - its a cooking/restaurant job made some friends last night most of my final projects done art institute/supercross on Saturday - no work! fish tacos for dinner last night getting along a lot better new job doesn't pay shit haven't finished with all of my papers, presentations an old friend blew us off for another one, only bums cigarettes and alcohol from us trying to figure out three different job possibles forgot to turn in a bunch of homework I was doing fine til I brought up all those bads, now I'm starting to worry.... But in a week and a half this will all be done. I'm looking forward to the art institute. Open house/tour day. Too bad I know I'll never ever be able to afford it. ....its almost over its almost over its almost over....
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Yeah. Her and Helen both...around them every conversation gravitates towards either being badasses towards parents or being fat. it's like...come on kids, being healthy isn't being fat. god!

We need to hang out more and have another dance party, damnit.