Fuck You, Mom

I laugh - Mom. I so laugh. Ok - this is what happened. We've been in a financial crisis for quite some time now and my mom can't take it anymore and feels ignored and unloved by my father. So she decides to take a break (which was last break) with her closest male-friend on some Carribian Island. With this friend of hers, you can clearly see the picture. They've developed feelings for eachother - and I'm talking about both here. My mom's very secretive about it; I can't be in the same room when he calls, so she either leaves or tells me that its none of my buisness to be in the same room with her when she has a phonecall. She doesn't tell me, and even lies, if she's gone to his place for the day or the evening, and so, this has been going on for quite some time now. So while she's gone, the position between my parents is that they want to divorce. Both of them. My dad, obviously jelouse and pissed - and my mom off to some vacation. Anyways, a week later she returns from her trip and tells me about how angry she's at this male friend of her's, because he's been trying to move on her. She ignores his calls for some weeks, doesn't meet him and worst of all - tells my dad that she had second thoughts and doesn't want to divorce afterall. Ofcourse this doesn't do much for my dad, and he's still very aggrivated and just wants to take distance from her. So the days continue - and I seem to be the only one noticing how much my mom is trying to suck-up to my dad, by kissing him, smiling and suprisingly laughing about his jokes - doing all kinds of annoying shit, to get attention from him until it looks like he's convienced. I start to loose it, and talk to my dad - asking him whether he really can't see what is happening - and how much she sucks up to him, and he totally agrees and tells me how much she's on a thin line with him. At the same time - things between my mom and her male-friend seem to be ok again - they're talking and everything and my dad goes on a Buisness Trip to Amsterdam for the weekend. Anyways - then this happens --> My mom tells me how she'll come home a little later than usual after I get home from school, because she has to run down and get some groceries. Everything is fine - I come home at around 3:30 - my mom usually gets home at around 5:00. So I spend the day until I get a phone call at around 4:30-5:00 - could've been later - from someone. I look at the phone, which gives me a Caller's ID - and I notice that its not a mobile number. I therefor scratch the possibility of my mom calling, since she's off to town. I pick up the phone - and who's on? - My mom! We say "hi" to eachother, "how was your day" and "oh btw, Mom, where are you calling from?". (Later she accused me of having tried to interrogate her) anyways... she studders for a moment and then says "ehh - Felix...." (now this "ehh - Felix.." was the kind of "Its not really your buisness" type answer - in the way she said it) and she immediatly changes the subject and tells me about some dinner I can have and that she'll be home in about an hour. So - up to this point I'm obviously guessing (because of the type of answer she gave me), that she's with her male-friend again. Then what happens? My dad calls from his buisness trip - and wants to talk to my mom. I tell him that she's not home, and he asks where she is - and I tell him where I think she is, but that I'm not sure. Anyways - she comes home all mad at me - because she happened to be somewhere different, then I had thought and is mad at me for telling my dad where I thought she was. Ok - if she wouldn't have answered my next question better - I would've admitted that it was mean of me to tell my dad what I thought she was at - but I asked her: "so tell me - where were you?" and she answered that she was at a friend's house (she actually mentioned a name - but I can't recall it) and she starts to studder when she comes to the part of telling me who he is and says "he....he..he's a friend of mine". From that point on - the argument just got started and she talks shit about how I don't know anything and I tell her "no shit - if you can't tell your own son, where you are" and it just goes on and on. I blamed her for everything she had started off with her male-friend - because quite frankly - I'm pissed!! So mom, lol, don't try to blame it all on me - you're the one who messed up! She blamed me for making things bad for the relationship between her and my dad, but I wonder who really did make things bad.
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acidxxxfairy here i love your diary... sry bout ur mom i understand...