bitch ass

so yea - im getting soo much better now, its hella tight. im so sick of drama and some ppl just need to grow up and be mature...i have nothing else to add or do! its an awesome feeling, cuz it took me some time. Im a very caring person and sometimes i even try to help or be there for ppl when its really not my place to be...and I think im off from that! so SCREW U BIATCHES!! lol yea o well - im gonna head to bed!
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drama sucks.
it is stupid and annoying.
and mostlyy from girls.
which i know, being a girl and all.

i know a friend who cares so much.
he doesn't reallyy show it though.
i can onlyy tell through the wayy he listens to everyone.
and i worryy about him.
who can he talk about his problems to?

well. sorryy.
for rambling.
i never even knew i worried about him before i typed it.
