imatter0917: i love u
BroWn eYes o5o: liar
BroWn eYes o5o: you love kelly
BroWn eYes o5o: thats her name right?
imatter0917: no we dont even talk any more
BroWn eYes o5o: i know
imatter0917: idk wats wrong with me i havent slept in like 3days i think its because i still love u really i miss u so much and before i go to bed every night i think about u and of how stupid of me to break up with u
imatter0917: really
imatter0917: u there
imatter0917: hello
imatter0917: u there
imatter0917: u can talk u know
imatter0917: are u crying
imatter0917: :'(
imatter0917: are u done reading it yet
imatter0917: sdaf asdfb
imatter0917: yer
imatter0917: wat
BroWn eYes o5o: hi
BroWn eYes o5o: :-) thats really sweet
imatter0917: did u cry
BroWn eYes o5o: and i think the same thing but i dont think its going to happen
BroWn eYes o5o: no i didnt
BroWn eYes o5o: but i really do miss you
BroWn eYes o5o: and i do still like you
imatter0917: if i were to ask u out wat would u say
BroWn eYes o5o: yes
imatter0917: i am going to call u love ya
i don't like him anymore.... i really dont
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