okay.. i just spent 8 damn hours hualing around books for teachers... grrr =( and lol danny and i had the best plan ever! his girlgriend is cheating on him so we decided to PRETEND that we were doing stuff and ugh i hate people that cheat...
but i i/med him while she was over and i was omg!! guess what i just found???!!! lol i found your pants from last year!! member when you came over and lol my mom came home and you ran away so fast you left your pants here!!?!?? lol
yyeaaa.. lol it was really funny she got all pissed and told him that if he was cheating on her then she was cheating on him too... she told all =) boy are we good.. then danny told her that he never cheated on her it was all a scam so that shed tell geesh tough luck girl. cheating doesnt pay.
well im sitting in lolos moms office on this computer and IM MISSING NICOLE ERICA TROMENDOUSLY!!! i havent talked to anyone on here. so ill leave random coments on your diary, dont hink im weird okay>
oh yea! lol we were at subway today and i saw MO!! lol aww im going to miss him so much next year!! he was such a sweetie!! =( it kinda sucks that im going to private.. oh well what ever ill write tomorrow or that day after that if i get around to it.
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