::23:: faded text

hi! what up i just figured out this little thingy and its pretty cool, i hope it works! its susposed o fade my text which is pretty coolio! :) well umm lets see today i helped my sister on neopets and did math most of the day.. blah even though im taking the calss next year.. ugh well now i have to go make my bed even though its 6:40 in the afternoon
Read 10 comments
Ha, New-er grove. thats great. i love it ^.^
yea, im gonna keep the cat. i love it too much :]
that faded text is awesome :]
:] hehe. evil kitties rock ^.^

hey, how do you get that faded text?
143 years old?? WOW...thats a good shot at living life to the max.
you like my diary?
These things take time Lauren, but thanks for making the situation worse by commenting! haha
heck yeah, GO GREEN HAIR!!!
: P
coool diary! ♥
no its cool.. randomness rocks

ha,imhere. but you can also reach me via AIM bluekharma420
nice text
yea i live in FL, you?

my friend tried to get me to join neopets when i was in the 8th grade.