::135:: still && always

Feeling: nerdy
lost love is still love. someone asked me, " if you could change one physical thing about your self what would it be?" instinctivly i answered 'to be skinnier' come to think of it, i've always wanted that, i don't know why. i mean im not fat, and im not skinny, im athletic. and i don't know, it bothers me that i wan't that even though i don't. Am I making any sence at all? the same person asked me "if you could change one emotional thing about yourself what would it be?" this time i thought about it and i really wish i was stronger, mentally. i wish i could be a stronger person, able to carry more problems, help more people. Not break down everytime something horrible happened. but thats just me. what about you. PEOPLE WHO COMMENT ON MY DIARY (COUGH*JAMIE AND AMBIA) NEED TO ADD ME ON THEIR FRIENDS LIST SO I CAN ACTUALLY COMMENT BACK =(
Read 6 comments
Wow, that's sucks. = I'm still sick. I'm staying home for a day now. I've been in bed all weekend, still trying to recover. I'm like dizzy, headache, coughing, everything hurts. I'm feeling a little better so hopefully I'll be able to get back to everything tomorrow.
hey lol i added u sry

<3 ur skinny, and i think evrey1 wants to be stronger i know i do.

skools amazing, friends amazing, boys omg all they want is one thing and us dumbass girls give it to them. man ugh uhfadf

aw yeah big, skool TINY annex things get around so fast, but im making friends with every and like i think u need to tell me wut u do on fridays or like after skool sometime we should arrange runnong into to eachother