shakes speare

love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and there for is wing'd cupid painted blind. -Shake Speare,A midsummer night's dream
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thanks a grandma needs all the prayers she can get...have a nice night :D...oh gonna add you to my friends list k?
William Shakespear... Shake Spear??
well since you said it was long i made it short now well omg it's ok you can do that as much as you want i dont mind=)
just askin'- does ne thng in my diary remind u of ne1?
scratch dat comment-i just saw her in ur replies. (note to self: always check present comments b4 typing ur own) lol!
heyy! i just wanna no-do u still talk 2 esther?
I bet thats not true, your entries are totally awesome. I like how you write...I'd love to hear something sometime...
i really like that
hey how are you doing these days??
There are lots of nice quotes from that play.
yo!... lol
lol yeah i bet
ok hah ok laterz :)
too much time on your hands, lol :)
thank you for liking my so afraid to put them on here...i dont want people to judge you write?..
Do you like Shakespeare, or is it just that quote you like?