
okay...so a little update... --Ive been dating perry for 3 months..Ive never been happier! --Vanessa is having a baby!! and... it will prolly be a long time before i write in this again! Lol.
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Oh its what you do to me...

Well..Since I hardly write in this thing...lol. Im gonna catch up on things.. Im NOW dating Perry Mcgennis..hes in the army. and currently stationed in Iraq. and Its been hard me. But with praying it helps alot. Later...
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Take it for what its worth

Well..me and ross called it quits last week..its been hard for me. i dont know about him..but im getting through it. and I KNOW IT WASNT THE LONGEST DATING..but still he was the one who treated me the way ive always wanted to be treated. anyways, last night me and matt talked and actucally agree with him...he told me that i need to stop looking for mr. right..and let mr. right find me. which is true..im always the one putting myself out there..and i guess its time to swtich that up. anyways, the good news is heather has been great getting me out of the house...shes been helping me..and plus she introduced me to a new guy named matt..hah..hes the cuttest thing. but still im trying to have a good time being single.. if somethings happens with me and matt then great..but its okay if it doesnt because i am still young to be falling in love so fast..love takes time..thats why in the bible it says "Love is paitent, love is kind..love does not envy".. so if you ever need some kind of advice on topics like this..i would say just love yourself first...love god before anything..and stop looking for mr. right.. HE WILL FIND YOU.
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Happy and lovin it!

so..things have changed alot since ive actucally written in this thing...Um, I have a wounderful boyfriend..Ross..hes such a sweet guy. Sunday will be our one month!.. Im still working at coldwater creek..i dont work at the olive garden..its just two jobs would be to much for me. I have an interview tomrrow at westpark..YAY!!.. for dietary. so im praying i get this job. because first off i'll for sure make more than i have been making. haha..and then i can start looking for apartments..or rent houses..something. and yes..i will have a roomate..because living on my own would be bad. haha!.. but other than that ive been doing really well..im getting my hair done tomrrow..im going back to the old highlights..Yay!..i dont know..i just wanted change.. Umm.., but anyways...thats about it. gotta go!~
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break you

wow i havent written in awhile.. well anyways, I got back from flordia..a couple of days ago.. i went to go see my grandma.. Im glad i got to spend a week with her.. it was nice. anyways, i dont know lifes just been going okay with me...im not going to say perfect.. because nothing is perfect. Ive been hanging out with megan and shawn. but i miss hanging out with my vanessa! lol. *sigh*...well i dont know if i mentioned this or not..but julius and jen are dating now. as of my idea of it..dont care. and the one thing is that ive learned is...i cant trust julius anymore. like at all. and i couldnt ever trust jenn..(( there for awhile i did..but things change)).. anyways, im going to go...im pretty tired..night!
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never felt so good...

Well since I haven't written in forever.. I'll cath everyone up on life... Um, Me and Julius are doing okay.. I wrote a blog on myspace and basically VERY BLUNT spilled my heart to him about almost every feeling I have for him, he did comment back and it was honest...which was good, But still we both dont know what we want.. so im not going to hold anything to it. I cant make him date me is what im trying to say. anyways, I got my hair layerd its really pretty... but other than that, nothing to much..as been going on.. But Im going to go.. Im just in a bad mood... Leave lovens for me. thanks.
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Isnt that something...

wow.. i havent written in ages! lol.. anyways everythings been going good. I got a new job, if I didnt mention that. I work at cold water creek....its pretty good.. the pay is wounderful.. though its every two weeks.. I dont care.. lol. anyways.. SO much as been going on.. I cant even think. lol. My birthday is in a month pretty exited about that. aaron comes home in a month.. Thats exititng! lol...but anyways my aunt is coming here for two days..and ive gotta go clean the house. im sure ill end up writting another entry later... <3
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So im sitting here in the Computer Lab at school.. doing nothing. Yay!. lol..anyways.. me and vanessa finally got our costumes for halloween.. and im a nurse and shes a ref.(sports). and we bought these high heels yesterday and NO we havent even walked in them lol.. which is sad because we need too. So im really exited that we( andy..vanessa and I ) got thier living room painted. though it doesnt look like the color they wanted it too. but hopefully with more coats of paint. it will. Im really exited about this week..because its fall festival.. 2nd-7th and we went last night but didnt do to much..we just ate. but next time HOPEFULLY next time all of us will ride rides. because its fun. :) welp im going to my next boring class. <3
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Plans.. that only BEST friends make!

Okay so me and vanessa are planning for halloween that me and her are dressing up as SLUT.....here are the Choices: Nurse,Police,and CSI lol..orr..a Naughty school girl. I dont know which one we will choose! but I CANT WAIT! WERE GOING SHOPPING SOON! SO I'LL LET YOU KNOW!!! Later----
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Turn around once

So..Me and heather went to nashville to see Rascal Flatts..they were really good. but by the end of the night..i wanted to kick her ass. lol. she was pretty annoying. lol. I made a HUGE ASS blanket for vanessa..hah..Hope she likes it! :) Ugh..anyways.. going to bed. Night!
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From bitches to friends

So.. last night..me and leann talked everything out..sorta!..lol and now were good. meaning we can be NICE to each other..when were out in public. lol. im so glad. like we both thought never in a million years that we'd both end up doing that..like basically apoligzing to each other..and just talking about Julius and Drew. which was fucking halirous.. haha. i was talking about my ex-boyfriend..to his new girlfriend. felt funny. lol. anyways.. i thought id write this.. but anyways.. just to let everyone know.. me and leann dont hate each other! lol.
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Everyones loved.

This song reminds me of someone. :) My Best Friend By Tim Mcgraw I never had no one I could count on I've been let down so many times I was tired of hurtin' So tired of searchin' 'Til you walked into my life It was a feelin' I'd never known And for the first time I didn't feel alone You're more than a lover There could never be another To make me feel the way you do Oh we just get closer I fall in love all over Everytime I look at you I don't know where I'd be Without you here with me Life with you makes perfect sense You're my best friend You're my best friend, oh yeah You stand by me And you believe in me Like nobody ever has When my world goes crazy You're right there to save me You make me see how much I have And I still tremble When we touch And oh the look in your eyes When we make love You're more than a lover There could never be another To make me feel the way you do Oh we just get closer I fall in love all over Everytime I look at you And I don't know where I'd be Without you here with me Life with you makes perfect sense You're my best friend You're my best friend You're more than a lover There could never be another To make me feel the way you do Oh we just get closer I fall in love all over Everytime I look at you And I don't know where I'd be Without you here with me Life with you makes perfect sense You're my best friend You're my best friend (my best friend) You're my best friend (my best friend)
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Sugar is sweet and so are u ♥

Tonight was pretty fun..me and the gang went to Franklin Lanes to bowl..i kept losing! lol. i think vanessa has taken my bowling skills! haha. anyways...for some fucked up reason me, andy, and Julius all started a game of TAG lol. then all four of us played..it was amazing.. like everytime someone would have to bowl..they couldnt be it.. haha. i loved it. AH--MAZING. ( thats for you vanessa). haha. and at the end of the night..i got a hug from good old Julius! lol. pretty sweet!! lol.. anyways im going to bed.. Night!
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