Bring it on home to me...

I guess you can say that. Tonight was instresting.. Um.. first off Me, Vanessa, Andy, and Julius all went to the Car Wash.. which Took about i dont know actucally how long it took.. haha. but anyways... after that.. we all left for the drive Inn. and we all went to go see " Invincable" and "World Trade Centers".. which was my 2nd time of seeing it..and the rest there first time. Anyways.. we were all laying there in andy's truck..and they way were all laying was vanessa,andy,me and Julius. And I loved laying by Julius. lol. we played footies all night! lol. But before we all left..Andy and Julius went back to my car to find my keys...which i had in my pocket...but there guys...they think there in the car. so they start looking for them. and they get in my purse and find CIGS. yeah. and i got a little bitty talk from andy about it. because YES i do smoke..but im going to stop for Julius...even though he didnt going to stop anyways. But andy goes " can tell me didnt need to hide it from me....Lets just be open." and i start crying because i felt sooo bad. Mainly..because i thought it would drive Julius away....but andy said it wouldnt. And we got the talking and so... yeah im quitting smoking...end of story. :) Yay!! ps.. Things are going good... ;-) haha.. and dont worry me and julius are good! lol. just in case you were
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