dont look down

Tonight me,vanessa and andy went to the drive -n- we saw the "Monster House". it was a cute little movie. lol. one thing that sucked is julius wasnt there...but its not his fault. idk.. everytime you'd call his dad would just basically tell you... yeah i'll tell him you called. then it would be like 2-3 hrs before you'd have to call again. but..oh well.. maybe next time. lol. So chads girlfriend is coming in this weekend. and im seriously having 2nd thoughts about her coming. im not so sure anymore. its like her family is pushing her to hang out with me. and plus sometimes she has like pyhsco moments. lol. dont ask. its a long story... lol...but yeah. i think im going to talk to my mom about this one. well see. But and drew and leann have been starting drama again. i dont it happens. its like if i try to say anything nice to her or him. they fucking lash out at me. they get mad at no reason. haha. and they flip out about me looking at there myspaces(if you have one...myspace is addicting.. vanessa.. hahaha.) But like im not going to worry about. why should i. lol. But anyways.. im going to go. I WOULD CHECK MYSPACE BUT...NO....ITS DOWN. ARGH!
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