Moving on

Okay.. so i went and looked at apartments yesterday!.. the one im looking forward to choosing is the place called "Eagle Village". im not saying im getting it or anything NOW. but my mom wants me to get more hours for the summer...and then start finding a real job. and save my money. then by august *hopefully* i can move out. IF this all gose to plan which it will because over the summer i'll prolly do is work. lol... and PLUS i need to find 2 other people to live with!. people i can actucally get along with. lol. ANYWAYS.. we got our cap and gowns. pretty fun. My finals are this up coming week. i have like 3 finals. but the one i have ACTUCALLY do good on is Government. b/c thats my passing graduation class. :) Okay.. im so confused with vanessa... really i am. Okay i'll write more later- Cya!
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