Hate me today

Well... we have a week left in the prison..lol. im exited. SO MUCH has happened this year..i'll miss half of it. but the rest im going to put behind. i cant wait to start college in the fall. im exited about looking for apartments. and getting a job at deaconess...i would love it. anyways. ive been in and out of stress alot these past 2 weeks. its ethier trying to get homework done or something like that. who knows. we get our cap and gowns today..i think..thats exiting. i cant wait. werid..ANYWAYS. so much is going on this summer...hopefully me and vanessa get to hang out as much as we can. andy told me yesterday that if everything gose okay then it will be sooner for them to move up there...anyways.. lately ive been thinking that with being single.. YES IT DIFFENTLY SUCKS. but for me...i have to deal with it for now. because i have so much to deal with after school. college,a REAL JOB, MY OWN LIVING SPACE.lol. and the most important thing foucsing on myself. and making sure i get through college first. Boys can come later in life...when things arent stressfull and when things are good. anyways...just thought id write.. sure there will be more for me to write later. Bye.
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